Monday, September 17, 2007

orange crush

the gallery opening basically reaffirmed my love for photography. all the photos were just so real. real in the sense that they were completely unpretentious yet naturally provocative.

each photo told a story that was completely up to interpretation. one of the artists Amy Montali revealed her tactic of deliberately telling the viewers nothing about the subject. i thought this was pretty brilliant. it makes it much more personal and then not at all at the same time. like you can create your own take on the photo creating some sort of meaning. and then not personal at all leaving blanks for the viewers to fill in.

as soon as i entered the gallery i immediately gravitated to Thomas Gustainis's "Orange Crush." the photo is bold and loud. it definitely agitated my senses [in a good way].

Ri Anderson's photograph "Natural Bridge State Park" also caught my attention. there is something serene about it. the woman lying down radiates gracefulness. the photo has a great depiction of motion. overall this photograph is inviting. one look and you want to enter in.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Good first post! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show so much.