Monday, October 22, 2007

photographer extraordinaire

this is Sebastiao Salgado's "Greater Burgan Oil Field" taken during the Gulf War.

the photo is so intense and rich. i was staring at it for a bit, and i felt like i was looking at a photograph taken in color.

the lighting is amazing. the oil soaked clothes on the technicians serve as a great contrast with the rough texture of the ground. the emotion depicted is goose bump inducing. the oil falling like rain is just crazy. i love it

its engaging. great depiction of motion. great subject matter. great depth of field.

when i think of devastation, spewing oil doesn't exactly come to mind, but when i look at this i feel it

no words can ever give Salgado's work the justice it deserves

1 comment:

Sonia said...

I agree. He's unbelievable. And incredible.