Monday, December 3, 2007


I developed my portrait and self portrait prints... they all came out just as I wanted them to. The pictures of Sam... I looooved how they turned out.

...Even my self portrait. I decided to print the ones of me talking with my hands. I think it says a lot about me, and I like that it tells a story in a sense.

the one frustrating thing: dust on my negatives --> PAIN

I think that the last class critique went the best so far out of all the ones we have had. The feedback was great. I love hearing other people's perceptions of my own work. It's so interesting to see how differently one photograph can be interpreted.

It is also fun creating your own story for someone else work.

Surprisingly I am actually looking forward to the final critique [nerd, i know].

anyways cyaaaa

1 comment:

Sonia said...

That last critique should be fun.